We Don’t Shy Away From The Tough CasesCall us 843-248-3177


Criminal Defense

Established And Respected Criminal Defense Lawyers

Criminal Defense Lawyers In Conway, SC

Nearly every family has a brush with the law at some point. It is never a good experience, but it reminds you how important your freedoms are.

At The Law Offices of L. Morgan Martin, you know we will fight for your rights because we have done it for others you have seen on TV or read about in the newspaper.

One of our most famous cases involved a man accused of killing his infant daughter by shaking her. The charge was false, but only great legwork and lawyering by our firm brought the truth to light.

We have successfully defended individuals at both the state and federal levels, charged with:

We Can Defend Against All Felony And Misdemeanor Charges

In our history we have defended many hundreds of individuals charged with every sort of crime, from homicide and street crimes to fraud and other white collar crimes. You can be sure they were glad they called L. Morgan Martin.

The truth is, many criminal lawyers have never set foot in a courtroom. They are really in the plea bargaining business, and they recommend one bad deal to clients after another. We practice law the old-fashioned way, investigating each case, compiling the relevant casework, always on the lookout for a detail that will protect clients from the excesses of the law. Very often, our attorneys come across an irregularity that causes the entire case to come apart.

That’s the kind of experience and resourcefulness we offer you. Call us, and tell us your story. We won’t kid you. If we think you have a case, we will lay it out for you in clear terms.

We look forward to being your lawyer.

Charged With A Crime? Get Help Today To Protect Your Rights And Freedom.

For the best outcome, call on the lawyers with the greatest legal experience. Call the Myrtle Beach criminal law lawyers at The Law Offices of L. Morgan Martin at 843-248-3177, toll free at 800-506-0311 — or write to us using this convenient web form.